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A Book Written in the Early 20th Century is Blowing My Mind
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
I was watching a show on Youtube, I don’t remember the show, but the subject
was books, and As a man Thinketh, a book written in the early twentieth
twentieth Century by James Allen was mentioned.
I was intrigued, so I found a free download of the book.
There is so much in the book that blows me away, one point was that you
“will rise or fall as high or as low as you think.” I look back on my life and I see
that this is true. I was convinced at an early age that because of Dyslexia and
other issues that I would never amount to anything, and the almost three
years I was homeless in my mind reinforced that.
I have started applying things I have read in the Bible and As a Man Thinketh
and Medium to my life, just small incremental changes, and I have seen a
I take control now, or try to, sixty years of the same thought patterns are not
going to change over night, and the difference is notable.