Advice for the fat Dyslexic kid
The one thing that I figured out in my late fifties is that youth is wasted on the young. If I knew then what I know now I would have been a much happier teen-ager; for example, I would have looked in the mirror at my zit covered face and instead of letting my self-esteem go all to hell, I would tell myself how good looking I would be as an adult. As for my weight, I would tell myself, So what if the pretty girls ignored me or made fun of me, I would just date the fat and ugly ones, they were probably nicer anyway.
The main things that I would tell that thin or fat Dyslexic kid is to believe in yourself at all cost, and find your passion and work your ass off to get it, you are going to have to work harder than everyone else, so you might as well work hard toward your dream.