Growth from pain part one
To say that I was a late-bloomer is an understatement. With the exception of a year right after Highschool I lived with my parents or other relatives. My dad was career Airforce. I graduated from High School when we were living on Yokota A.F.B in Japan.
My mom died in 1994. I lived with my dad and my mom’s brother, until my dad died from cancer in 2006. I was in my 40’s before I got my first checking account or credit card.
I had never lived on my own, God knows I tried to get out of my parent’s house, but it never happened. When my dad died I had to learn how to pay utility bills and all the other things that most of you learned in your late teens or early twenties.
I learned damned quickly too. I worked with the Realtor, and got my dad’s will through Probate, and I sold his house and me and my uncle moved into a trailer that was a lot cheaper to live in. Cheap being the operative word. For seven years, I learned how to adult, I payed my rent and other bills and held down a job, until it all went to hell when my uncle died in 2014.