“Your Past is Your Past”

Ignore the wake behind the boat

Lawson Wallace
Jul 30, 2024
Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-white-dress-shirt-and-blue-denim-jeans-sitting-on-white-and-red-boat-during-4910955/

It’s a hard thing to do, letting go of past mistakes. You let them eat you up, and for what? At some point, you need to forgive yourself and find peace. I was surfing through the channels back in the ‘80s.

This guy was giving a talk on Public Television. He described a speedboat traveling through water and the wake it left behind. Then he said, “ Don’t be concerned about the wake behind the boat. I struggle with this, but I’m learning to let stuff go, and so should you.



Lawson Wallace

64-year-old married guy, I have been writing stories for years, but never submitted or published anything. I write about my successes and failures, everything.